Animals Matter - PPCs views on hunting
Came across this service from the League Against Cruel Sports where they offer a system where all your Parliamentary Prospective Candidates for the 2015 General Election in your constituency are contacted to find their views on aspects of hunting and animal welfare. The system works by the PPCs clicking on an email sent from me to select their views on the LACS website. Thought I'd give it a punt as it's very easy to do. So I plug in my details and click the button to send. In my constituency of Aldershot there are 5 candidates that appeared on the LACSs system. Mr Carl Hewitt - Green Mr Alan Hilliar - Liberal Democrat Sir Gerald Howarth MP - Conservative Mr Gary Puffett - Labour Mr William Walker - UKIP My emails went out at 11am on Saturday 14th March. By 7:30 that evening I had an email. It was from Gerald Howarth, the sitting MP. As he said in his email ...