Pakistan Students Terror Suspects

Imagine your child is at University and takes a year out to study abroad as part of their course, something that is becoming more and more popular in UK universities.

Imagine seeing your child off at the airport, the feeling of pride in what they are achieving, but also the concern you have about them going to a foreign country.

Imagine learning that they have been arrested at gunpoint by the security forces of this other country, yet you don't know of what they have been accused of.

Imagine that they have been locked up, you don't know where, you don't know how long they will be there, you don't even know what is happening to them.

Imagine you know of this government's involvement with extraordinary rendition and the torture that's associated with it.

Imagine that your government does very little to help you, and refuses to put pressure on the other government.

Imagine that your letter pleading for mercy and to know what is going on is ignored and hardly picked up at all by the supposedly free press.

Imagine Britain in 2009.

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