Expenses for all MPs published

House of Commons from the TerraceImage by ruspace via Flickr

The House of Commons have finally published all the expenses and additional costs alowance for all MPs going back to 2004 as requested under the Freedom od Information Act.


And all I can say is thank God for the matey who flogged the leaked list to the press.

As expected the official list has been heavily redacted and poses more questions than it answers. All of the gasps of amazement that have been raised by the leaked list are stifled on the official list. The biggest redaction is the address of the first and second homes. So we wouldn't have been able to work out who's been flipping their houses. Quite why we shouldn't know where elected MPs live I don't know. I thought it would have been a major aspect of a free and open democracy?

Will have to have a nose round and see if the references to moats have been redacted. As it is it seems to be another way of separating a political class from the rest of us.

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