More than 30 police hurt at G20

More than 30 police officers were injured in clashes or accidents during protests at the G20 summit in London, new figures show.

The injuries ranged from being hit by flying debris, attacked by protesters or crushed in crowds to dog bites and being scalded while making a hot drink.

Sounds like most seem to have been injuries attributable to 'friendly fire'. No wonder they've toned down the confrontational tactics for the latest climate camp.


  1. “More than 30 police officers were injured in clashes or accidents during protests at the G20 summit in London, new figures show.”

    Yes I’ve seen the reports on this over the supper highway, and think this is nothing in comparison to one death of a homeless man whose friends I’ve since met, they all speak highly off him. And then there’s the violence dished out by some officers indiscriminately or criminally.

    I was on this demonstration for most of the day. The police were out of control it seemed, but then again senior officers were standing about giving orders as if it was the Battle of Waterloo, they knew what they were doing from start to finish when they violently manhandled the young climate camp protesters. This was nothing short than a disgrace in my book!


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