What to read next?

Almost finsihed reading "George Lansbury - At The Heart Of Old Labour" by John Shepherd so I'm now looking for some new train-time reading material. My requirements are that it can be read in both 15 minute sections and extended periods, covers something 'political', ideally pitches one man or woman against oppression with or without a happy ending, fiction or non-fiction, left of centre and can keep me awake.

So far I've gathered the following as likely candidates:
  • In This Way I Was Saved by Brian DeLeeuw
  • Norfolk Red: The Life of Wilf Page, Countryside Communist by Mike Pentelow
  • Freedom: Short Stories Celebrating the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from Amnesty International
  • The Devil and Mr Casement: A Crime Against Humanity by Jordan Goodman
If anyone can suggest which of those make good reading then please let me know or if you have any other suggestions? Feel free to have a shufty at my recent reading list at Goodreads.com, link below.

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