
So we have the UN Climate Change Conference being hosted in Copenhagen.

We also have George Soros present who is going to form and fund an organization to advise policy makers on environmental issues and look after public interest as policies and programs are created to address climate change.

And then we have the Executive Vice Chairman of Rothschild, Simon Linnett.

But for the private sector to participate enthusiastically in a global carbon trading market, governments must collectively establish a robust framework within which trading can occur. It must be long, loud and legal:

  • Long: it is going to be around for a long time
  • Loud: it will be the dominant mechanism for sponsoring changes in behaviour and we are going to make this perfectly clear to the world's people
  • Legal: we will enforce it through law
A key implication of creating a legal yet global system of trading, is the loss of sovereignty it implies. Governments must be prepared to allow some subordination of national interests to this world initiative, on the issue of emissions. This need not mean a new system of government, above individual nations.
Why do I get the feeling that this is little to do with the stewardship of this planet and more to do with the control of the masses by the unelected?

Pity the thirld world, pity the poor, pity the ordinary.

H/T That The Bones You Have Crushed May Thrill

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