VAT as a Weapon of Class Destruction

So the bankers and the media are gushing over posh boy George's rich man's budget. They've softened us up over the past few weeks with negative superlatives on the economy like dire, tough, bloody, unavoidable and now they praise it as a job well done.

There some data from the Office for National Statistics that shows that the richest 10% spend £1 in every £25 on VAT whilst at the poorer end £1 in every £7 goes towards VAT.

So posh boy's knee-jerk reaction is to up VAT as it hits the poorer more than the richer. But wait, haven't we heard mention of upping VAT before? As a reminder here's some posters from not so long ago.

First off the Tories with their nightmare scenario of Brown upping VAT.

Then there's one from posh boy Clegg's little grouping about the Tories upping VAT.

Spot the difference? No, of course not. There is no difference. This current ConDem coalition shows the Liberals for what they truly are. Where we hoped that they would temper posh boy George's hatred for the working class we receive disappointment. At the first whiff of 'power' their principles have been discarded like a used condom. The problem is that in Parliamentary terms we have no opposition (aside from Caroline Lucas, the Green MP and a few left leaning Labour MPs) to the neoliberal financial model of screw the workers. The Labour Party's line is the same - the poor, the sick, the young, the old, the working man and women, they're the ones who have to pay for the failure of the rich. If they'd retained power we'd still be in the same position.

The BBC were interviewing some members of the public on the day of the budget. They were set up somewhere along the Thames with posh flats and houses on one bank and poorer housing on the other. One woman commented 'This is class war'. I don't know how the BBC let her slip through but she is right, this is now open class warfare. Parliament has failed in that it is not representative of the people. The MPs are chosen as clones to be representative of the state, people who say one thing yet quietly promise not to upset the status quo. I think we're in for a summer of discontent.


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