Driver's 30-hour protest in Wembley over clamped car

A heartwarming story from the BBC regarding a man who remained in his car for 30 hours to stop it being towed away after being pressured to pay £365 to remove the clamps.

A man sat in his car for 30 hours to prevent it being towed away after it was clamped.

Haroon Zafaryab began the protest in Wembley on Wednesday when he returned from Ramadan prayers to find his car clamped and was asked to pay £365.

He said that, as he sat in the vehicle, all four wheels were clamped and about 40 tickets were stuck to its window, amounting to £3,565 in fines.

Haroon Zafaryab, nice one!

Details of the incident emerged as ministers announced plans to ban clampers from all private land in England and Wales.

Home Office minister Lynne Featherstone said the move would be introduced in the government's Freedom Bill in November, and could come into force early next year.

So the question to ask Labour Party members is why has it taken the election of a ConDem government to start bringing back some of the freedoms that the Labour Party legislated out of our lives? ID cards, CCTV, DNA database, child database anyone?

BBC News - Driver's 30-hour protest in Wembley over clamped car


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