Local effect of Bigotgate

Just received a local election leaflet from the local conservative candidate Lucy Kurjeza for my ward, Mayfield in Farnborough, Hampshire. I think she's received her encouragement from Gillian Duffy and 'Bigotgate'.

Let's have a look at what's splurged on the page:

...many in Mayfield are alarmed at the increase in the number of Nepalese..

...Borough of Rushmoor has 2nd highest number of Nepalese in England...

...local schools unable to cope...

...GPs' surgeries unable to cope...

...not able to keep up with the relentless influx of not only the Nepalese, but also those from mainland Europe...

All the usual stirring you'd expect from a party like the BNP. Except that it's not the BNP but Cameron's Tories. And with quite a high level of BNP support in this ward perhaps it's what you'd expect. But with such a tactic comes the message of dividing a community and encouraging racism. Perhaps a true reflection of how the Tories care about what she says is the "3rd most deprived ward in Hampshire."

She should be ashamed of herself. Bigotry at best, incitement to hatred at worst?


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