A defeat for who?

So the UK is in a state of flux because of the situation of being in a hung Parliament. Good and bad news for those on the left. But bad news for the Tories and the Lib Dems.

The Tories have failed to capitalise on 13 years of right-wing Labour government which has given us 3 foreign wars of dubious legality,  a massive encroachment onto civil liberties with calls for 90 days detention without trial, ID cards and trial without jury on the mainland. Even with the Cashcroft coffers they just can't muster the support of the people. We've seen numerous business talking heads talking bullshit with no sign of the media bringing on board the trades union leaders to give a balance. But still the Tories flopped.

The Lib Dems were given a totally unjustified equal platform with TV debates amongst the leaders yet we see no increase in the number of MPs. What a farce, pure media hype to try and spin some viewer interest.

On the left the good news is that left leaning Labour MPs have bucked the trend and been re-elected, many with increased majorities (congratulations to John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbin and others!). And Labour has made huge inroads into local government at the expense of the Tories and Lib Dems.

Now what to do?

I would let the Tories and Lib Dems join in marriage and let them carry the can for the pain and hurt that the British people will be seeing, along with the Greeks, Portugese, Italians, Germans and others. For there is nothing that national sovereign governments can do within the capitalist framework. The real power lies with the middle-aged white men controlling international finance. This worldwide crisis in capital is merely the system being re-jigged to ensure that the system is optimised for continuing profits off the back of the working class and the world's resources.

So whoever's in charge it's going to hurt. I spent three years unemployed during the last Tory administration and I really fear for the future. But this is a fantastic opportunity for the left to rally and to educate the voters about the disgusting system that capitalism is.

Let's use the next couple of years to really highlight where the blame lies.
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